Bar Associations Election Schedule 2024-2025
Filling up of 03 (Three) Judicial Members and 03 (Three) posts of Technical members in the national company law Tribunal (NCLT) inviting online application for.

Filling of verification form/Declaration form
To complete the task of filing of verification/declaration forms, it is considered necessary to inform the Ld. Advocates that the Bar Council office before issuing any kind of certificate to any advocate such as Permanent Enrolment Licence, Identity Card, No Objection Certificate for Notary or Court Auctioneer, Proximity Certificate, Certificate of Good Standing and Continuity Certificate etc. shall require the concerned advocate to first file the relevant verification/declaration form in the Bar Council and to comply with the BCI instructions of filing of such forms.
Election Schedule and holding of elections of DBA SAS NAGAR (Mohali) on 08.11.24 and Final voter list
Updated List of Verification/Declaration Forms “A” “B” “C” “D” received by Bar Council upto 17-06-2024 subject to their scrutiny
Note 1:- You can search your name by opening aforesaid file link and by entering your enrolment number.
Note 2:- Please also check the list of Advocates who though have filled Verification Forms but their forms are incomplete.
Note 3:- The Advocates whose names are mentioned in the list of incomplete forms, are requested to complete the forms before 15-07-2024.
Note 4:- Verification/Declaration forms mentioned in the updated list are still under scrutiny and in case any others forms are found incomplete, further list of incomplete/non acceptable forms shall be published later.
Advocates whose names are not mentioned in this list are to submit their respective Verification forms positively before the last date 15-07-2024 to remain practicing advocate on the Roll of Bar Council as per the directive of Hon’ble High Powered committee constituted upon the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court and also as per directive of Bar Council of India.
Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana
Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana
State Bar Council of Punjab, Haryana and U.T. Chandigarh is the apex statutory body of advocates established under the Advocates Act 1961 having been entrusted with the task of regulating, monitoring and ensuring welfare of all legal practitioners within its ambit. The functions of State Bar Council are given under Section 6 of the same Act.
Enrolment applications IN TATKAL SCHEME for their consideration on the same day, shall be accepted complete in all respect, ONLY UPTO 12.45 PM and on each working day. Applications submitted thereafter shall be considered on the next working day.

Past events
National Legal Seminar 2022
Theme- Young lawyers: Transcending legal Barriers
Date And Time
2022-11-12 @ 09:00 AM to
2022-11-12 @ 5:00 PM
Registration End Date
Online event
All facilities for advocates that are available at Law Bhawan, Sector 37-A Chandigarh can be viewed here.

Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana
State Bar Council of Punjab, Haryana and U.T. Chandigarh is the apex statutory body of advocates established under the Advocates Act 1961 having been entrusted with the task of regulating, monitoring and ensuring welfare of all legal practitioners within its ambit. The functions of State Bar Council are given under Section 6 of the same Act.

Past events
National Legal Seminar 2022
Theme- Young lawyers: Transcending legal Barriers
Date And Time
2022-11-12 @ 09:00 AM to
2022-11-12 @ 5:00 PM
Registration End Date
Online event
All facilities for advocates that are available at Law Bhawan, Sector 37-A Chandigarh can be viewed here.
The Team
The elected office bearers, elected and ex-officio members and staff of the Bar Council resolve to perform all statutory duties as given in the Advocates Act, 1961.